
beats by dr dre pro nt returned to and

?"Leaf any sees every where unmanned, hence ask a way.
"Hey, so we even if know!"Leaf Ping way.
"Is this week what's the hurry?"Leaf any asks.
"The breadth of campus takes net speed quite good.Watch a television drama at a stretch and all finish on the net."Ye Ping says.
Leaf any has no speech with rightness.
", Teacher Fan, that this matter pleased."Leaf Ping suddenly comes to sentence, leaf any is doing not understand, see a leaf a Ping dynasty he after death made an expression of eyes, hence Wu, favour way:"The small matter is one pillar, nothing important."
"I invite you to have a meal in the evening."Leaf Ping says with smile.
"Need not.The small matter is just."Leaf any is polite, just finished saying and then saw the murderous look of leaf's Ping eyes.
"Should ground."Leaf Ping part murderous look part way.
"That has to polite rather obey orders."Leaf any feels that he or she is since a language a teacher, talking should take more some cultural breathing.
Leaf Ping leaves, leaf any turn head a to see, is Gao Ye Han, is lying prone in the window side of hallway to smoke.
"Go you!"Gao Ye Han sees a leaf any turning head and saying with smile.
"Which!Seek me to change lesson."Leaf any knows the meaning of the words inside of Gao Ye Han.
"Feel this girl how?Is "Gao Ye Han asks, " my attention pretty long, have never talked!"
"It is similar to you."Leaf any says.
"Is similar to me?What mean?"Gao Ye Han doesn't understand.
"In addition to growing is quite good, temporarily the nothing important can say."Leaf any.
"Changed lesson just, invite you to have a meal on one's own initiative,have a liking for you?"Gao Ye Han says.
"Is probably having so and ordering good will also uncertain?"Leaf any counter-questions.
Gao Ye Han's facial expression is pretty depressed, but big degree tunnel:"Go, that you first up, didn't go to change brothers again I."
Leaf any didn't answer, he looked back for a while just 2 people's dialogue, is these it two lofty people teachers that are talking?
In the evening leaf's any dinner party that rushes to leave for leaf Ping.
The virtuous high school wood student is fulltime system management, but combine can not help teacher's egress.However pass in and out will suffer a pretty strict attention, the ordinary people are certainly inattentive, but these two have a guilty conscience, don't dare to brave to practice.The dinner party settles at ground restaurant in school, just just a little and late some, shunted the high peak that the student has a meal to expect.
Leaf any come, the things all have been already shouted bravo, is the fast food of the most simple twoses.Walk up again a to see, leaf Ping that is 14 pieces of, oneself this is the lowest Class is 6 pieces, even order meat Mo can not see.
"You are too cruel."Leaf any marvels.
Leaf Ping signals hint a leaf any to sit.Leaf any milli- started to copy Don't mention it chopsticks to rob a drumstick to come over in Ping dinner plate from the leaf.
Leaf Ping incredibly didn't say what, make leaf any is anti- to pour a bit ashamed, the way of Shen Shen:"The chicken skin wants don't ?Eat for you."
"Roll!"Leaf Ping scolds a way.
Leaf any immediately didn't feel the blame feeling.
"The recent head enough rings!However ten day, already the nobody didn't know our teacher Fan!"Leaf Ping way.
"Still go, is a gold to arrive where will give out light."Leaf any is satisfied.
"Went, said!You arrive a virtuous wood to still have what special mission."Leaf Ping way.
"Nothing important!"Leaf any freely way.
"Go, don't deceive, every day and the small Yang Di whisper Gu, you want not to say, how do I help you!"Leaf Ping way.
Leaf any listens to a reason, hence told leaf Ping oneself's this confidential task.
"Is clear to point!This name I once listenned to as well, older generation ground person."Leaf Ping way.
"More than 100 number person, who be point clearly?Although saying that he isn't a Shu,that was also the circumstance that counts year ago, had no a quasi- family is idle for these several years, do ascend a do!"Leaf any makes sorrow.
"That must understood first to point clearly for a while, you that have what clear of data, go fetch research for a while."Leaf Ping way.
"In PDA, you ……" leaf's any words didn't finish saying, leaf Ping had already made the notebook sitting the chair to up jilt table's top beside from the body.
Leaf any PDA didn't also take out, direct receive line oneself's bosom.If this act being seen will definitely regard as science fiction movie:Computer and human body are used a data line connective.
The text file soon finish spreading, leaf Ping closes a computer way:"Went, returned to and saw to think a way again!"
Leaf any repeatedly nods.
After breaking up, leaf any ash slips away ground to drill the housing of returning he or she.Leaf Ping one speech wakes up with a start dreamboat.This data all has no by himself/herself small and soft once study, after being interrupted by Gao Ye Han that day, oneself is a heart to rush toward at teaching work up, really move student the good teacher whom the tears flow!Even if the crow knows will also shed tears of, it is the reason why to ignore.
Leaf any takes out PDA and turn off a light later on.Turn off a light for the sake of the manufacturing appearance, as for is a person not at still keep having already slept casually other party to comprehend.This other party mainly means Gao Ye Han.
Certainly have to the clear in the data of detailed introduction.
Clear, male, date of birth not known.
Leaf any up point abnormal sweating, he is come to look for person, incredibly arrive at the moment a square to know that the other party is a male is female.Immediately after and downwards see.
Once allowed a blood-red color evening research set senior clerk, in addition to outside the scholastic attainment of research,beats by dr dre pro, mastered in a medical skill, particularly exceled various internal injury that resulted in because of the breathing.11 year ago mysterious disappearance, reason up to now not known.
For clear of past and ability, hand over to treat in this text file of combine not much.But in emphasized to point out some habits of clear.
1, the facial appearance is clean and neat, pay attention to others hair style, the enemy opponent delivers a beard in great disorder has obvious bad impression.
2, don't smoke cigarette, but love to drink.
3, lewd.
4, high near sight.
5, pet phrase:You made a logic mistake.
Leaf any beginning takes the seat to the number, certainly first since acquaintance, the first hit is a few masters from the same offices.
The facial appearance is clean and neat, seem to be still to go ……
The hair beard is in great disorder ……H'm, oneself tomorrow disrupt the hair style take a shot, the one more touches oneself is a hair inch, disrupt depend to love mile water, oneself seems to have no.
Don't smoke cigarette ……teacher Wang don't smoke cigarette, leaf's any eyes a bright, love to drink, which day a try and then know.
Lewd ……H'm, the teacher Wang double seems to strain for a while and dash about not the wolf light of interest in the eyes and sees to have a drama when leaf Ping comes over today.
High near sight ……that house in addition to oneself seems to be all BE.
As for this pet phrase, leaf any pouring still really have never listenned to.
But teacher Wang's suspicion undoubtedly has been more shining, leaf any settles him to want inquisitional vision for he's first step.
Thoughts of this guy to prelect again need not teaching plan all, this is relatively have the artistic talent the person!The blood-red color evening makes the senior clerk of research, there is how can no artistic talent, leaf any more wants to more feel to be like.
He already the first step draw up a simple plan.Stir up own hair style first, immediately after lend oneself often listen to his lesson of lend to invite him to drink, finished to make a logic mistake, seeing him would can't say this words.
The idea has been already settled.
Early in the morning on the second day, leaf any room that runs to Gao Ye Han borrows to love a mile without half bottle.Leaf any of the hair must be a hair, but vanilla, the aroma drifts in virtuous high school wood's breeze.2897

Volume 3 chapter 195 sounds out
Renew time:2008-10-70:39:36 chapter word numbers:3217

The leaf who gets up a disguise early in the morning any has no too early go to office, he knows to attend early that always being rather late is arrestive, he needs now of is arrestive.
Trample to have a class bell, step joss-stick breeze, leaf any appears at office.
The teacher has already had a class separately, but the great majority still at.Leaf any pushes door for an instant, already someone Song wears a nose to ask:"What flavor?"
The words sound didn't fall, leaf any appears at they are at present.
The owners all make oneself believe hard, this is heavy to arrive the flavor of sting nose, from a Related articles:

