
Beats by Dr Dre solo r army corpses all

"Wang Peng flies to say words and turns head to hope to go backward, he just turned head, nearby and innumerably guided missile, tongue of fire, all once flew him, facing the half monster battalion of the front shot to pass by!After death several thousand blood-red color army corpses, all take this the most advanced monster bone weapon is in the world, full on the face is indignantly, hurtled evil monster battalion whole thermodynamic powerses to launch an attack, see a condition like this, Wang Peng flies to roar with laughter to say:"Today, is our owner to fight together, the warriors, with I together blunt!"
The members of "kill-" blood-red color army corps were encouraged by what Wang Peng flew, also all shouted to hurtle up.These people is all blunt to kill in the forefront fought with evil monster, colleague's departing from this life actually is often a matter, while they lose a colleague each time and accumulated Zan in the heart more an of grudge, today, place finally found out to vent, they also need to drain they's emotion, with cut up rough!
Is another part of the circumstance seem than this place still be good friends with some, the half monster person's amount also has no this place much, seem to can know without consulting oracle, give Athena the direction arranged by them is exactly minimal half monster amount of number of part.
"Giant horn!!!" The Lu Di expect one to roar loud and accompany with one capitalization color ground light pillar, in the moment a few half monster the person directly shake dizzy, also don't wait the Lu Di expect oneself to hurtle up, cloth Luo Di have already stood at this a few half monster person of after death.Sees cloth Luo Di of the left and right hands touch to a few half monster person's bodies respectively, lips tiny Qi, soft-voiced way:"The Suo life white rose ……"
Bewitchingly beautiful purple rattan Man along with the cloth Luo Di's words ponder to come out from the honourable growth, is almost the effort for winking, sinking into the dizzy half monster person didn't°yet reflect, have already been held up by that bewitchingly beautiful purple rattan Man to round, quickly grew on the rattan Man flower bone, by this time the half monster person also starts struggling and peeps out a painful facial expression on the face, just they already didn't return alive a ground of hope, because that spends the bone quickly bloom, that rose that is white, is exactly seize their life of sacrifice of thing!
" Cloth Luo Di, prohibit to rob the Lu Di expect strangely!" Lu Di Ba see cloth Luo Di always rob with himself or herself and very dissatisfiedly shout at top of voice and want up reasonable.But he after death and suddenly once fled a figure, process Ba Er of Lu Di of time, the low voice said a , "also have a great achievement man to discuss this now, hurry to heartily kill, the speed is slow can have no your divided."
Lu Di expect to respond to see go enough and quickly and quickly and backward, but is the hand keeps saint sword of fix Luo have already hurtled to kill the half monsters in, heartily kill, but rice Luo, the sand adds them, is also already 35 in groups, beginning around Athena launch an attack.
Finally leave of, only the Lu Di expect with cloth Luo Di.
" The Lu Di expect, return what does the Leng wear stem?Quickly roar!" Cloth Luo Di see the Lu Di expect station to daze over there and dissatisfiedly shout loudly a way:"Have no you to fight down them for me, how do I invoke the Wen Gui Suo life?!The two of us' match is best ground of!"
"!Good!" The Lu Di expect one Leng and immediately respond to come over and shout at top of voice also along with cloth Luo Di hurtled up.
The real strenght of the ecliptic 12 temple warriors' arriving has already increased a very violent situation today and plus crew member each other the cooperation tacit understanding is also a big exhibition Wei power, light loose ground of stop the half monster person's battalion to outwardly spread of the situation is more unclear will these half monster the battalion exterminate of draw off backward, the result for obtaining shows Zhao.
"Gossip!Push forward forward!"Is another part, under two conductors of persons, such as plentiful true persons and gold thunder...etc., after Wu Dang's pupil experienced the combat of Xinjiang region, have already been an at the beginning childish small warrior, they each other match with tacit understanding and face strongly a half monster person army corps town settle self-composed, nowise be afraid, don't shrink back, along with the conductor, face blade but up, although Be different from Wang Peng to fly and Athena so, occupied on appearing advantage, still keep standing firm a step, the control lived an evil monster to outwardly spread of situation.
"Green breeze!Green!"The gold thunder shouts at top of voice, to nearby the pupil say:"Lead two groups of personses, stick in from the side wing!Certanly will disrupt their feet!"
"BE!Uncle Shi in the Zhang door!"The green breeze shouts loudly with green a , received orders to leave, see the this place contain two plentiful true person's commander-in-chiefs, gold thunder to nearby of five lines of warriors made a color, get empty but rise for the Teng, no man killed to go into a half monster crowd in, outwardly break from the middle.
Very obviously, gold thunder this place of the half monster number quantity is the most, this pouring isn't a full stars to in advance anticipate, intentionally and BE, just Yang Hua Wei arrange of place, the gold thunder is responsible for a place more complicated toward the population of the original life, recruit to ground half monster person nature also many many.
But even if such, gold thunder they didn't also feel tough, although the pressure is big 1:00, can also bear, another Wu Dang's pupil deals with others still shallow, also need to whet to do, the opportunity ground like this indeed can not get more, so gold thunder in accordance with two plentiful true persons think, with lend own strength rushes out difficult to cross, force the half monster person's battalion send back!
Momentary, three direction half monster person ground the proliferation trend be all suppressed, especially Athena there of the circumstance is also an amendment, they have already started to be full everywhere annihilating a half monster toward the both sides a person.Wang Peng's flying there has already built up complete combat system as well, one and other, order well arrangedly and half the monster person carry on backstroke.
Only only there, Yang Hua Wei seems some actions all have no and pull appearance in the past, yes, here really some actions all have no, even in all unpleasant to hear arrive a half monster shouting of person.
Severals fly empty the boat slide from the horizon and fall at Yang Hua Wei of nearby, the right bower waits a person hastily from fly empty boat the top hurtled down, these bio-chemical warriors didn't take how much modern weapon, they are truely strong and is becoming green giant
Physique, probably fail to catch the half monster amount of manpower strong, but their match with tacit understanding, pouring can also be used.
Just right bower they embark to fly empty the boat come over and arrived Yang Hua Wei this place of time, since neighborhood, radar complete have no reflection, unexpectedly and first is a half monster person all have no, but descended to fly empty boat, the right bower more sees Yang Hua Wei cross legs to sit at in the ground, quickly hurtled to come over, ask a way:"Second lieutenant, circumstance how?"
", You came."Yang Hua Wei deeply absorbed an one breath and slowly stood from the ground, he pointed to point the still just burnable flame is on all sides and easily says:"The situation of this place has already been controled by me, allly the half monster persons be all burned by me to die."
"Shi, what?!"Right bower and his teammate marvelously shout loudly a birth, because come to before pass satellite, they already see this place of circumstance, if is the direction that Yang Hua Wei chooses, even if is that the half monster amount of number is the minimal, should also have don't descend the around ten thousand half monster a talented person to, but they contact bio-chemical American warrior army corps from Yang Hua Wei, they very and soon rush through to come over, also however ten how many minutes just, Yang Hua Wei can in so short time inside solve a clean around ten thousand half monster person?
Difficultly swallow the next spittle, the right bower seems to be some to not too believe, but he cautiously looks into, ability really at or to in discover many still in burnable half monster person's corpse,Beats by Dr Dre solo, just those corpse, at these some oddly flame combustion under, seem to be a bit uncanny, don't living smoke and dust in a black, unexpectedly so burn have no?
"Second lieutenant, the half monster of the this place person, true of ……really of be exterminated by you clean?!That is ……those are around ten thousand half monster person's warriors!"The right bower marvelously shouts loudly a way, although he several times once got in touch with Yang Hua Wei of strong, but the eye see now for solid, the time again see, still keep making people dare not believe their own eyes and ears.
"These half monster the person should be to kill not and cleanly, they every 5 minutes meeting to add 1 here."Yang Hua Wei clapped to clap the dust on his/her own bottom and said:"For keeping consistent with the war situation of other directions, I have already waited the two batches of halfs monster battalion here, you had better work well to fight preparation, because is next, horse Related articles:

