
cheap beats by dre r rest for a night a

Chu livinged for the past one weeks,cheap beats by dre.Open countryside eight squares how much emperor, wild jungle in Qian Long Qi."
Gold word in the sky dish Gen a short moment, immediately and gradually spread to go, suddenly of drive once the breeze blow and meet together gradually again and change into one small word of going:
"The distance goes strong raise righteousness to gather a soldier, the number is a devil incarnate, disturb world."
Cluster Hao still however kneel to pour in the ground, in every aspect and mutually peep, a long time could not say words.Led for a long time, Xu Shi Ji who see unwillingly stand in front knelt down, five bodies prostrate on the ground a way:"I etc. pay respects to a lord Mr.!"
Was mutually public to see a such difference, and then saw military adviser's action, at that moment again without argument, shout a , together and together prostrate on the ground a way:
"I etc. pay respects to a lord Mr.!"
Go strong arrived at this time, don't know how of, suddenly went to in normal times that reckless skin depend on of spirit, in the cachinnation voice, back the auspicious atmosphere rise Teng but rise once again and set off by contrast that heroic spirit and loudly shout a way:
"From from today, Gu house from the number-devil incarnate, founding a state the number BE-week!"
Because the auspicious atmosphere spreads to go, boundless however the devil incarnate distance waking up go strong, but to oneself just of the action one is misty, until pass by to publically and repeatedly explain in detail and persuade, just unwillingly believe that oneself's really doing whole lives can't do two more of heroic acts.
Just, no matter how he explain, see all processes at cluster within eye milli-, still the half pull half Ye of drag along he up handing over of big hall chair on, with soughted a piece Huang Bu Yi batch ……later on, the have a history the most simple and crude of of mount the throne a rites and then announce to establish.
Brains one disorder of go strong, at flounder have no fruit behind, simply then depend on a life time merit of ear low language, freely start to set up formally official position-Qin Mu is troops and horses commander-in-chief, lord Zhang military, Luo Qiong, list know male, Wang Bo is for the full general and get generally respectively left medium right two soldiers, Xu Shi Ji is left mutually and get a military adviser, stone not language is right mutually shoulder country teacher, the rest cluster of Hao whole amount seals for the general.The one is thanking humbly a voice, only the and or so prime minister in every aspect and mutually Qu, wry smile not already, stone not the language was the eldest brother white that is more unbearable to get Wang Zuo to that bottoms cold stare, involuntarily of Du Rang 1:
"Miao Miao of, very immature official position ……how feel that the elephant is playing a city play?"
Just, immature let it be, maturity let it be, this matter, but finally these have fun to play house general of settle come down.The honor and duties is decided, public then respectively receive orders behaviour under Xu Shi Ji's order, Xun soldier administration, poured to hold that absent-minded devil king to do puppet.Like in the puppet I but to this kind of build on stilts very is satisfaction, led not to arrive half of two-hour period then ran scepter, work hard in spite of criticism of start to do a horse for pure lotus.
Not the stone language seizes an opportunity to get away and told a voice leave with eldest brother and then return to building to accompany a various female sorting travelling bag.Public one begins, don't eliminate half of two-hour period then tidy up to complete.Stop for rest for a night again, the second then leaves to start on journey, go toward 1 line in the overseas.Go strong lead a to help a new of the text for appreciating martial one send out city, and then sent 200 crack troopses with go, speech in, mostly unwilling to part feeling.
Arrived at this time, free to a stone not language in normal times how funny and humorous, also not from dropped a few hero tears, immediately again three instruct to conduct well alongside the sea, don't want to be greedy for an achievement to emit into, in addition, if airtight cloud demon clan to throw, must mutually treat by gift, particularly want to notice a person, demon of two clans of harmonious get along with, go strong and cluster the Hao naturally and readily promise.The title hopes to go and sees the color of the sky have been late as well, one stem the person wait then and now distinguish, plan horse but go.The cluster Hao is together and together signed to city gate, until not the stone language figure disappear in smoke and dust and just sigh city once and from that time on and with patience conduct this one party sets up separatist regime of ground, gradually have hero well-known scholar to throw, slowly became weather.
Then way stone not language one stem person etc., after left Anne sun, star night travel at double speed, on the third noon then arrive that wave county in the turning over of circumlittoral neighborhood.Before after taking over Anne sun, the thief of sea is from in 39 allies of Lu star, Lu bright moon 2 people then already lead a soldier to rush through into here, take over this county city that stations alongside the sea 70% water military power to measure, pass by in January come of management, have already stabilized general situation, resume order.Say with some common people's in home strictly personal talk:"Two Lu district magistrates although the facial expression is ferocious, noble-minded but good lead former incumbent district magistrate of a hundredfold, the most wonderful his 2 people always halts here, also keep me waiting masses of people to enjoy."
Stop for rest the first in the public and easy to district magistrate mansion after going into city.The Lu my elder brother younger brother has already got delivering a letter of Anne's sun, early and then the life person prepares a boats and ships, preparation replenishment, again carefully chosen number 100 sea thieves turn the sailor of industry to remain on standby.Arrive on the morning of the second, then from Lu star rate brigade, ascend Chu court leave behind two long ranges of next sizes a war ship, a front a behind drive to turn over a wave, drive toward the island of Ying Xia.
Not the stone language waits the small scaled ship that the person multiplies by faster, and then have never carried 200 crack troopses, therefore drive, then and far and far jilt the large war ship that the Lu star direct the behind sees thus, both parties are simply to agree on, in mid course supply of fall a Xia island to remit to match, also in case lead long to make each other, delayed a route of travel.
Go to go all the way, all is calm, have free time, in times before once travel over coastal region red kiss and then speak the Cha thief and aquatic animals' matter to know-nothing in detail public.
"The Cha is the thief's one great characteristics, would be a deceit soft afraid hard, and absentminded.Shone on to meet those early years sky big disaster, its ancestry the island asked for help always, the aquatic animals once provided a great deal of supplies as well to help them, in former days Cha thief's king every time round aquatic animals emissary, necessarily the Fu is on the ground and claimed to be small Nu and took an oath to always look forward by Ma Shou of aquatic animals."This day, multiply by a pure lotus the soundly asleep is in the father's bosom, red kiss and then continue the Cha thief's topic way.
"How anticipate after 300 years, the accomplishment livings small friend of the old day that the interest has been already finished and incredibly drops to turn a tooth, malicious bite a neighbor a , not only strong have a wealth and properties, land, take captive aquatic animals population more, generally then sell out, greatly have a feminine beauty but leave in the woman to provide …… with provide ……" Rao is red to kiss straightforward, while making reference to here"with provide" along while, but also don't won't the graceful phrase tell.
"Is understand, completely understand."Not the stone language point nods, bad mercilessly Cui way, " birds~~monster!"The aquatic animals woman was originally known for the beauty and greatly had a feminine beauty among them is also ……thus many beauties, unexpectedly white white cheapness Cha thief, not from get a certain and male deplore greatly thousand times, lambaste animals all the way not only.
"More interesting BE, clearly invade another country, Cha thief but at own historical records, impartially write up:Is self-defense!"Is red to kiss to took a look a stone language not, it is to say thick Cha thief's face to seem, even this younger brother of oneself also want to candidly admit defeat.

The text chapter 112 and gentleman a smile
Renew time:2010-7-129:55:15 chapter word numbers:4031

"Or a bit not understand."After Yi worked properly to listen to for a long time, hesitate way, "Cha clansmen didn't lead 50,000, and aquatic animals, as I see it, but nearly 100,000 clan people, 2-1, even if don't win to also not definitely lose ……"
"This but is what I want to lift."Being red to kiss to lightly sigh is a , unfold body Zi on the deck, slowly the way comes.
Originally, this aquatic animals always is resided to a sea, keeps neutral, take travelling salesman as an industry.But this travelling salesman middleman, its initial matter would is to eat dirt, date a long, the whole clanses up and down and unexpectedly spread out tactful and backward clan breeze.Had sea land utilization originally, although they was also a bit weak in character,could not eat what big Kui;How anticipate but suddenly come out to equally acquaint with an oceanic Cha clan, divided equally original advantage ……"
"Furthermore, the aquatic animals physical endowment originally isn't good at combat, although have 100,000 people, truely can go to battle among them of, also however 2, 30,000 just!"Is red to kiss and add a way, " looks back a Cha clan, although however 50,000 people, is all the people soldier all, the horn would is women and children's aged and weak to also cover with to hang to hold Ge together.Check against thus under, aquatic animals which still have cure of success?"
The Yi works properly foolish get one destiny of thoughting of the aquatic animals of being foolish, seeming, not from just a little red eye socket:"Pitiful Jia Lian they ……"
Stone not the language lightly hum 1 and pull a corner of mouth way:"The person of wretchedness necessarily has hateful place.Aquatic animals if early some rise against, also be unlikely to keep a tiger to bring trouble today.This truth, the 3-year-old dolls all understand, but they aren't understand.Is strange, might it not be is its Zu it Mr. Gui that is from?"
"Daddy, what is that the turtle is male?"The pure lotus exactly wakes up, pulls his dress Jin and faces upward to ask a way.
"This ……" stone not the language be seen by the clear Mou of that clear water sort heart in ashamed, lend a past drinking, once turned a head to go.
See his flicker not to answer, slightly some impatient pure lotuses immediately the Du rise to spend a bone the small mouth of the sort, head the Ning that change direction one side is cold.Saying is also strange, Ning cold temperament although and, living one is pure Related articles:

